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Eerder op Folkwoods : niet.

Bestaat uit : Captain Gallows, Black Bart, Navigator Marty, Marauder Ralf.

Beschrijving : You have found yer way to Pyrates! we be a sea faring band of musical marauders, sailing from th’ shores of the olde lowlands of Holland to rowdy ports across the world! A notorious band of buccaneers, who’ve imposed their own brand of pirate themed folk music to fellow pirates an’ unfortunate landlubbers across tha’ seas themselves! Able bodied bawdy balladeers armed wi’ Guitar, Bass, Drums an' Fiddle. Dressed in full pirate costume an’ all in tha' quay of ARRRR!

Komende optredens :

  • 15 maart, de Pul, Uden
  • 16 maart, Podium De Meester, Almere
  •  29 maart, Lakei, Helmond